To view and download the 2024-2025 HCPSS Calendar, click here and remember to follow us on X here to see updates and pictures!
December 17- Band and Strings concert; 7pm
December 23-Jan. 1- School is closed
January 2 -Happy New Year! Student return to school at 9:10am
January 13- Joe Corbi School Fundraiser ends
January 14- PTA Restaurant Night; Chipotle
January 15- Chorus Concert; 6:30pm
January 20- School is Closed; MLK Day
January 20- February Conference window opens for parents to schedule; 8am
January 21-22- No RECC classes
January 21- Bonnie Branch Middle School Incoming 6th grade Info Night; 6pm
January 22- Mayfield Woods Middle School Incoming 6th grade Info Night; 5:30pm GT, 6pm general
January 23- Schools close 3 hours early
January 27- PTA General meeting; 7pm
January 29- School is closed
January 30-31- Dental Clinic
January 31- February Conference window closes for parents to schedule; 4pm
February 5-6- Spring Parent Teacher Conferences; Schools close 3 hours early
February 7- School is closed
February 17- School is closed; President's Day
February 19- PTA BINGO night; 6pm